Innovation is such a popular word right now. There are various methodologies available - but is your human side ready to innovate?

Have you heard the latest favorite word? Innovation! Do you know or work for an organization that is just looking forward to innovating?
Well, you are not alone. And with this buzzword comes the two next most popular questions: Who can innovate? What do I need to be an innovator?
The challenge is, because of the way most of us function, we want to see, understand and/or obtain instructions, ingredients or plain permission to innovate. Otherwise it feels like we are doing everything wrong.
Well, you are in luck today and these next weeks; I am going to share with you what I have noticed, tested and come to identify, in myself and my clients, as the key ingredients for innovation.
This is your official invitation to stay tuned and try these out for yourself.
Here's the plan
Your tasks
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Have a notebook, blank paper or a digital notebook handy when you read so you can record your insights right when they show up
Practise and put into action the ingredients I will share
Feel free to add any questions you may have or share insights with the community in the comments section.
My tasks
Publish an ingredient every week for the next six weeks
At the end of each blog, I will give you a list of questions to reflect on and give you an exercise you can practice to challenge yourself and/or your team
Be here for you!
To prepare
Well, if we are using the metaphor of cooking something new by adding the right ingredients, think about what you need even before you look at the recipe. That's right: The right environment! You go to the kitchen and if you want to cook something new, you might event surround yourself with like-minded people, a tribe that is there for you, that is happy to support you – welcome to your tribe. Here are the questions to help you prepare:
What does innovation mean to you?
If your organization instructed you to innovate, what does innovation mean to your boss/manager/leader/organization?
Of your friends/colleagues/family members, who is the person or top 3 people that would love to innovate with you?
What do you think are the key ingredients in innovation?
I'd like to invite you to reflect on these questions. Feel free to revisit your answers from time to time before the next post, which I’ll be writing as my part of the bargain.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret Mead
If you are an innovator or you are interested in the topic of Innovation and would like to work with us, give me a shout.